Friday, November 7, 2014

English Language Challenges

Well, the truth is that I am not happy with the english subject at the university.
At summer we had to do a test that would say us which english level did we had to take. Unfortunately, the computer I was using had problems with the audio, and I couldn't answer the questions of that item (they were seven or 8). I got english 3, but I needed two or three additional  answers to be able to take english 4. I asked the professor, and she said that they would sent me an email to resolve it.
When the academic year started I was on english 3, and I asked again for help, but they said that it was too late to do something.
The problem wasn't english 3, because maybe I would have gotten it even with the opportunity to do something, but I couldn't. I stayed there and I started thinking in the advantages of that, because I could learn new thing or improve my weaknesses, but it disappointed me.  I found that the teacher wasn't interested in teaching the students. I recognize that we weren't good students either, because we didn't pay him attention, but most of the people there thought that we were losing time.
English 4 has been better, I feel that the professor takes care of our competences and he is interested in improving our english.

I know that english doesn't depend from FACSO, but may be It should, because maybe is easier to learn communicational english by our own, but we have to read lots of paper and books and many of them are in english and it's really hard, believe us.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Good and bad points

This year has been a completly different one. I decided to study antrophology an this university, and it was far away from have been  an easy decision.
I enjoyed the summer at home in Coquimbo with my family and friends, and after holidays I had to come to a new reality for me, Santiago.
Well, I have always been shy, so during the first weeks I didn’t speak much with my classmates. It was at the beginning, but nowadays I have good friends.
I like the career I am studying, and the friends I have made have done this easy for me, but I can’t deny that I miss Coquimbo. I miss my family, my friends, the air, the coast and all the activities I’m able to do there. Sometimes I want to go back and study something there, but I like anthropology and this is a challenge I’ve already taken.
This has also been rewarding experience for me, because apart from the university I’ve learned many things about life that make me grow up and value what I have.
Although the good and bad points of this year, I think that is more important to learn about our mistakes and about the people we know and have known during the year.

I couldn’t say that this have been an excellent year, but this hasn`t been a bad year either. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Childhood series

Rugrats is a cartoon based on the adventures of a group of babies that are children of a group of adults who are friends. At the babies’s world they can speak and understand each other, but their parents don’t know what they are saying. They play all the time and the also use to get into trouble.
I enjoyed it because they did many things without their parents help and they show the world from another perspective. They don’t know anything about rules and they just do what they want, and of course what they can. They show also a strong sense of friendship although they are just babies.

Saint Seiya
Well, this is definitely one of my favorite series ever. This is a story about several orphan children who are joined by a man named Mitsumasa Kido (their father, but nobody knows that) for obtaining an armor and becoming bronze knights. In order to that, they are sent to different parts of the world to have their trainings. Well, once they got them, they have to come back to a kind of championship, where they have to fight to be the best one.
What nobody knew is that Saori Kido (the granddaughter of Mitsumasa) was actually the reincarnation of the Greek goddess Athena. The problem is that there were other knights that were commanded by Arles, and they kidnapped Saori. The bronze knights have to rescue her fighting against the gold ones, who represent each of the zodiac signs.

That’s just a part of the whole story, but I remember I spent hours and hours for watching them on Sunday night. They are and they still been (because I watch them until now) my favorite anime. Apart of them, I like another series such as Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X), Sailor Moon, hey Arnold, among others.

Friday, October 3, 2014

How green are you?

Let’s talk about ecology!
I have never joined any eco-organisation, because I don’t trust in them, but maybe if a found one that convinces me I would join it.
Despite that, I’ve always worried about our environment. Of course I’m not “the most ecologist girl in the world” or somebody who lives for that, but I think that everybody is able to do something.

Of course it’s not easy, because sometimes it requires time or the custom to do it, but it’s not impossible either.
What I’m doing now is collecting my plastic waste to put it in a plastic bottle. That’s called “eco-brick”.  Some organisations collect them to build even houses.
Another habit I’m trying to incorporate is not using plastic bags on the supermarket. I try to carry my own fabric bag, but I sometimes forget it and I have to use plastic ones (when I have to carry many things).
I would like to go to university by bike, but in this moment I have neither a bike nor money to buy one. Once I get enough money I will probably buy my own bike.
I believe that all we have a responsibility with our environment, but there is something unfair.
Although all we (individually) would take care about this world, we wouldn’t solve the problem. Why? … Because we are part of the problem, but not the problem.
 Big mines and industries pollute every day more than we can imagine, and even if they say they do something to help, It isn’t anything compared with the damage they do…
Of course I agree with changing our habits, we need to do it… but we need also have influence in those who are bigger than us.

Scariest Monsters

Have you ever seen the cartoons? There were always at least a chapter in which the characters where frightened because of a  mounster, or what they think were a monster.
Well, I’ve never been afraid of monsters, because I’ve never belived in them. I remember that some of my friends couldn’t go into  dark rooms or they could’t sleep with the lights turned off. But monsters were not so popular…
In spite of that, we had lots of horror stories or weird characters that where frightening for children. One of them was the story of “the old man with the sack”.
He is a kind of poor man who wears rags. I his back he’s always carrying a sack with bad children. The story says that if kids don’t behave, the old man comes home to kidnap them.
If you are that poor kid, once he has already kidnapped you, your life has two possibilities: If the old man want, you can work for him until your dead or worst, you can be eaten by him.

This story is very popular here, in Chile. Parents usually told it when I was a child, and I think that they still doing it. Of course, their purpose was to make the children behave, and I am sure they use to get it...

Friday, September 26, 2014

My Future Job

When I think about my future life I've always imagined myself working in something that helps me doing at least a little change in this society. The problem is that I don’t know what will be my way to do it or… maybe I know, but I’m not sure if I will be able to do all what I want.

Starting with the career I’m studying, I’ve being always interested in the cultures and civilizations of the world, not only in the old ones, but also those cultures that we can see until now. Related to this, I would like to work in the conflict between the mindkinds of native cultures and all those countries that can’t understand a way to live different from the “modern one”.

In addition and also related to this, I love history and literature, and one of my biggests dreams is teaching them at school. It may be in the city or may be in a small town… hopefully in both (not at the same time, of course).  I will not surrender with this, because I think that with teaching you have the opportunity to stimulate the children to be conscious and consequent with their thinking and their dreams.

Well, those are just some of the jobs that I would like to do someday, but by studying this career ...I'm not even sure if I will find any job...jajaja. 

Movie Review: Inside Job

There are movies to cry and movies to laugh, but I would say that the one of what I’m talking about is a movie to think.
Honestly, I’ve never seen the movie that I want to do a review of, but just with watching its trailer you’re able to ask yourself about the world where we live.
I am talking about Inside Job, a documentary that shows us a critical point of view about the financial crisis of 2008 in the United States.
Of course if you ask anybody about this recent “crack”, I’m almost sure that everybody will have at least an idea of what you’re talking about, but depending on the country and the economic status, you will receive several answers about the way they lived it.
However, what few people know are the causes of the crisis and, related to this, the interests of businessmen behind those decisions that made our budgets fall. Through several interviews and statistical work, the film shows us how “important men” decided the crisis and how the life quality of the population turned every time lower.
In my opinion, this should be a really interesting film that can helps us waking up to see the way we’re manipulated by the economic power and the only thing they let the people do is suffering the consequences. Once I have the chance, I’m sure I will watch it.